Are you looking for Calathea Varieties? Look no further and opt for a calathea variety. These pretty plants are not only great visual additions to any garden but also pretty versatile; interested? Continue reading and learn more about calathea types including, how to grow them and more.
If you are determined to grow a houseplant, you can’t go wrong with the famous Calathea family. This group of plants is one of the most frequently seen in homes and offices all over the globe. And there’s good reason, Calatheas are super simple to care for and require nearly zero effort, plus these offer significant decorative qualities.
With that said, no matter how easy it is to care for a plant when you’re a first-timer, little research is always a good idea. And though it may seem a little intimidating, especially if you are new to growing your plants, you have nothing to worry about. With this guide, you’ll find out everything you need to know about calathea varieties.
Calathea Varieties
Calathea Real Live Plant
The stunning multicolored green rattlesnake patterned leaves with burgundy-purple undersides make this rare calathea an eye-catching exotic houseplant.
Boldly patterned leaves make a statement for tables and counters in bathrooms and kitchens, and they look great with pothos, monstera, and philodendron.
Bright, yellow, orange flowers bloom in spring, and they are ideal for desks, tables, countertops, and mantles, in indirect light indoors or outdoors.

- Partial Shade
- Loam Soil
- Moderate Watering
Calathea Medallion Live Peacock Prayer Plant
This stunning Peacock plant has deep green oval leaves with distinctive pink and white variegated markings on top and burgundy undersides.
Prayer plant leaves fold at night, and this unique specimen is an excellent pick for tabletops and counters in bathrooms bedrooms in the house.
Colors are loved for their stunning leaves and shape; they pair with Philodendron and Ferns on decks, patios, and window sills in the home or office.

- Sandy Soil
- Plant-likes bright indirect sunlight and humidity
Costa Farms Calathea Network
Network Calathea is a new, patented variety of C. musaica, featuring strongly variegated leaves and a fuller, bushier plant shape.
Place the plant in bright indirect light, but if overexposed bright light, their markings made fade.
Water when the soil surface dries; if it is underwater, its erect stems and leaves drop sadly over the side of the pot.

- Bright indirect light
- Decorative
Fusion White Calathea Hybrid
Calathea White Fusion makes a beautiful clean-air plant in any home or office. Its unique white leaves have alternating streaks of light green, dark green, and white.
High humidity levels are a must. Stand on a wet pebble tray to improve humidity and mist frequently.
Pop it in the shower room or kitchen from time to time to give an extra boost.

- Clean-air plant
- Showy, decorative plant
Essential Requirements to Grow Cathalea plants?
Calathea plants need to be fed during the active development phase. And even during this period, once a month is more than fine. There are many suitable all-purpose products suitable for most plants that do not have some specific requirements. Just make sure it’s the one that has more nitrogen, as this nutrient is crucial for them.
Knowing that Calatheas like humid environment gives you more than an excellent hint on the type of soil they could prefer. It’s a well-draining one as it can hold humidity and let the excessive amount of water go through the hole at the bottom of the pot.
They fancy warmer to higher temperatures, between 18-23°C. They don’t like being overly hot but also try not to expose them to those below 15°C.
Another significant thing to pay attention to is ventilation. Your plant needs air as well, so find some well-ventilated place to accommodate it.
Trimming is done to refresh the plant and get rid of the diseased parts of the leaves if you’ve spotted any.
Common Questions About Calathea Varieties
What are Calatheas known for?
Calatheas are best known for their stunning foliage. Many varieties in this genus have exciting patterns of variegation on the tops of their leaves. A reddish or purple color on the leaves’ undersides creates a beautiful contrast against the greenery.
How do you grow Calathea varieties?
- Don’t overwater it, but don’t underwater it as well
- Pay attention that the soil is always humid and get a well-draining one.
- Maintain a moderate temperature and lighting.
- Never expose it to a direct source of light, but neither where it’s too dark.
- Feed it during active growth stadium.
- Transplantation is usually done either once a year or even every second year.
- Plant propagation is done in numerous ways. Some can be propagated in water, the other by trimming (pruning), but Calatheas don’t belong to either of the groups.
- This plant is propagated by division. The best time for propagation/division is when you repot the plant.
- Take the Calathea out of its current container and shake it gently so decrease the amount of soil around the roots.
- If there’s too much soil around the roots, wash it so that you can see it correctly.
- Split that mass using some tool into two or more pieces.
- After division, your need to germinate the spores. Just put a divided piece of the root on top of a smaller container of sphagnum moss and then place it on a plate with water.
- Keep them in moderate light, and if you want to protect them extra, you can cover them with some plastic.
- Mist it every day, but check the water on a plate; there must be some of it constantly.
How to report the Calathea plant?
- Remove the plant from its container, gently take off about one-third of the soil around the roots. Look for any signs of illnesses and diseases, and treat them, if any.
- Fill the bottom of the new (or reused and cleansed) container with soil, about one-third of it, and press the soil with your fingers to firm it. Place the root mass and add more soil until you cover the entire rootball. Press it again to firm it, and the job’s done.
- Return the plant to its usual location and observe how it develops. Also, don’t fertilize it immediately after repotting as the plant is too sensitive. Wait at least two weeks.
What are the different types of Calathea?
There are numerous types of Calathea; the most popular varieties include:
Calathea Lancifolia
Calathea Lancifolia’s leaves are long and narrow like a lance or sword. They can grow up to about 12 inches (30 centimeters) long.
The leaves on this variety are thick and glossy. They have a wavy, bubbly texture.
Calathea Zebrina
It lives up to its nickname, Zebra Plant, with its velvety leaves and exciting stripes. The oblong leaves can grow to be over 12 inches long. The Zebra Plant’s leaves are thick and velvety to the touch.
Calathea Makoyana
Also known as the Peacock Plant has a stunning foliage pattern that is sure to make your home feel like a tropical jungle. Makoyana’s leaves are shaped a bit like an egg. The leaf base near the petiole is wide, and the tip of the leaf narrows to a point.
Calathea Crocata
Most Calathea are known for their beautiful leaves, but Crocata, also known as the Eternal Flame, is grown for its flowers. These yellow-orange blooms stand out against the plain green foliage.
Calathea Roseopicta
Calathea Roseopicta, also known as Rose-Painted Calathea, has many cultivars within its species. They all have the same “crown” of color contrast around the leaf edges.
Calathea Ornata / Pinstripe
The Pinstripe Calathea is uniquely beautiful, with its pink pinstripes that look like they were hand-painted on each leaf. This plant has an air of sophistication that fits in nicely with modern décor.
Calathea Beauty Star
Calathea Beauty Star has similar pink stripes as Calathea Ornata, but instead of plain dark green leaves, it has wide swaths of bright green on either side of the central vein.
Calathea Orbifolia
Calathea Orbifolia, known as Orbit Peacock Plant, is one of the larger Calathea species. Its big, round leaves are sure to bring a tropical feeling to any room in your home.
Calathea Warscewiczii
They are commonly known as Velvet Touch due to their irresistible soft, velvety leaves. It also has dark green with a distinct light green fishtail pattern along the center vein. The leaf undersides are deep purple.
Calathea Musaica
This Calathea cultivar has a leaf pattern so different from any of the rest. The tiny stripes between each lateral vein create a pattern of rectangles that resemble a mosaic tile pattern.
Calathea White Fusion
The leaves of Calathea White Fusion are long, narrow, and abnormally shaped. No two leaves have the same shape, even on the same plant.
How many Calatheas are there?
About 200 species formerly assigned to Calathea are now in the genus Goeppertia. There are several dozen species in this genus. Native to the tropical Americas, many of the species are popular as pot plants due to their decorative leaves and, in some species, colorful inflorescences.
What is the rare Calathea?
Calathea White Fusion. This extremely rare Calathea is the only one on this list with a genuinely variegated pattern. Its unpredictable patches of green and white make the White Fusion a beautiful addition to your houseplant collection.
Which is the best Calathea plant?
Calathea Lancifolia, also known as the Rattlesnake Plant, is one of the most common varieties you’ll find. It is also the easiest Calathea to care for, so this is a great place to start your collection.
What are common pests for Calatheas?
These are very common for most indoor plants- mealybugs, mites, aphids, and scales. Sometimes you can clean them with rubbing alcohol or a bit of water and liquid soap, but pesticides or insecticides are the only solutions if there are too many of them.
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