How To Harvest Mulberries A 2022 Approach

Are you a fan of mulberries and are thinking about growing your own fruit at home so you can enjoy this delicious berry? Then you are in the right place. Growing fruit at home is fun and simple enough; however, growing is only one part, as you should also learn how to harvest mulberries to delight yourself in tasty homegrown fruit.

Harvest is the time to enjoy the results of your hard work. If you already know how to grow your fruit, and harvesting is in your near future, keep a few things in consideration as you reap the fruits of your labor. Today we’ll be sharing with you several critical aspects of how to harvest mulberries, such as the best time to pick the fruit from your tree and how to store the fruit.

As you can tell by now, from that first seed to the time you consume your fruit, there’s a whole process that needs care and attention. As intimidating as it may sound, harvesting mulberries can be done by anyone; all you have to do is follow a few simple steps. Continue reading as we tell you all about how to harvest mulberries the right way.

How To Harvest Mulberries FAQ’s

Can you eat mulberries right off the tree?

Luckily, they’re edible, so it’s just an aesthetic problem. And, though it goes without saying, you should wash them thoroughly before eating.

How do you pick and clean mulberries?

There are two methods for picking fruit. You can handpick it, which can be tedious or relaxing depending upon your disposition, or you can use an old sheet or tarp to hasten the process. Spread the tarp under the mulberry tree and then shake the branches. Gather up all the fallen berries. Take care not to layer the berries too deep in the container, or you will end up with a lot of crushed berries.

Do you have to take the stems off mulberries?

You’ll notice that mulberries have little green stems (1, far above) attached to them. If you’ll be mashing up the berries and straining out the seeds, there’s no need to bother with de-stemming them. However, if you’re leaving the berries whole, you’ll need to remove the stems.

What can I do with mulberry stems?

If not, the stems can easily be removed using kitchen shears, nail clippers, or even by pinching them off between two fingers. Your Homestead Journey explains that stems can also be removed by freezing the berries in a container and then shaking the container; the stems should fall off.

How To Harvest Mulberries from a tall tree?

Mulberry trees can get quite tall, so you have to get a bit creative to get at the fruit. The common approach is to cover the ground with sheets and then climb the tree to shake the branches until the ripe berries fall out.

How do I know if a mulberry is ripe?

Fruit will be large, sweet, and black when fully ripe. You can handpick or lay a sheet or tarp under the mulberry tree and shake the branch gently. Ripe berries will fall onto the sheet or tarp. Do not layer too deep in your picking container, or you will crush the berries on the bottom.

How often do mulberry trees produce fruit?

Everbearing mulberry trees are self-fertile, so you only need one to yield a crop. In general, it can take up to two to three years for everbearing mulberry trees to fruit. However, some nurseries carry everbearing mulberry trees that will fruit the first year. The trees bear fruit from June until September.

What pests affect mulberries?

Mealybugs is the name of the tiny bugs on mulberries. The Gill’s and pink hibiscus mealybugs are potential pests of mulberry. These insects have a grayish to pink body and are covered in a white waxy material. They tend to form masses where they feed on the plant, producing honeydew and impacting plant growth.

Is mulberry related to Blackberry?

Introduction. Blackberries and mulberries look quite similar; however, they don’t have much in common botanically. Blackberries are the edible fruit of the Rubus genus, belonging to the Rosaceae family, whereas mulberries belong to the Morus genus, from the Moraceae family.

When is mulberries harvesting season?

Harvest season begins mid-June thru August. Fruit will be large, sweet, and black when fully ripe. You can handpick or lay a sheet or tarp under the mulberry tree and shake the branch gently. Ripe berries will fall onto the sheet or tarp. Do not layer too deep in your picking container, or you will crush the berries on the bottom. Annual average yield per tree 10 bushels, 15-20 pounds at age 10.

How to store mulberries?

Berries will keep unwashed in a covered container in the refrigerator for several days. You can freeze for later use by washing the berries, then pat drying and packing them in freezer bags. Can be stored frozen for several months.

What should you know about mulberry trees?

  • Mulberry trees attain a height of between 20-30 feet (6-9 m.). Mulberry trees of the Morus genus are commonly grown for ornamental and culinary use.
  • They make lovely, fast-growing landscape trees with the added bonus of producing delicious berries and leaves suitable for steeping as tea. They have numerous other applications, such as dietary supplements, basket weaving, hair and fabric dye, and paper production.
  • The berries are really the standout, though. They look much like elongated blackberries and are sinfully sweet.
  • Starting a mulberry tree from seed can be difficult. The seed needs 90 days of cold, moist stratification and has a low germination rate. If you dislike failure, it might be advisable to purchase a young tree, especially if you want fruit quicker for harvesting.
  • Mulberry trees like full sun in moist, slightly acidic soil (pH of about 6.0). They need to be planted deep enough to support their extensive root system.

How To Harvest Mulberries

  1. Spread a piece of plastic sheeting 3 feet larger in length and width than the spread of the mulberry tree. The plastic sheeting doesn’t have to be circular, just large enough to catch the mulberries as they fall.
  2. Shake the limbs and branches of the mulberry tree vigorously to detach the berries. Use a long-reach garden rake to reach high limbs and branches.
  3. Reach the uppermost branches using an orchard ladder; have someone hold the steady ladder while using it. Collect the berries that have fallen onto the sheeting.
  4. Handpick the ripe berries that remain on the tree. Wait two to three days to remove any unripe mulberries that remain. Place mulberries in a metal container after picking.

Now that you know how to harvest mulberries, would you be interested in learning how to harvest oats?


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How To Harvest Mulberries


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Little Giant Ladders

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The King Kombo is an OSHA-certified leaning ladder. Safely lean your ladder so that you can get closer to your work. Non-Conductive Hi-Viz Green Fiberglass increases ladder visibility and is safe to work around electricity.

how to harvest mulberries: Little Giant Ladders


  • Non-Conductive Fiberglass
  • Combination Ladder


Photo of author
Fern Evergreen, a passionate plant enthusiast from the Pacific Northwest, holds a degree in Botany from the University of Washington. As the author and plant expert of, her vision is to create a thriving online community where fellow plant lovers can explore diverse plant types and learn from one another. Drawing from her extensive knowledge and experience, Fern provides valuable insights, tips, and inspiration, aiming to enrich lives, promote sustainability, and foster a deeper connection with the natural world through understanding and cultivating a wide range of flora.
Photo of author
Fern Evergreen, a passionate plant enthusiast from the Pacific Northwest, holds a degree in Botany from the University of Washington. As the author and plant expert of, her vision is to create a thriving online community where fellow plant lovers can explore diverse plant types and learn from one another. Drawing from her extensive knowledge and experience, Fern provides valuable insights, tips, and inspiration, aiming to enrich lives, promote sustainability, and foster a deeper connection with the natural world through understanding and cultivating a wide range of flora.