Do you know all the different Types of Geraniums? Have you ever received or given geraniums to someone? Aren’t they so pretty! Geraniums can certainly brighten anyone’s day, and that alone makes them a perfect addition to your garden. These lovely plants not only can put you in a good mood and make your garden look good, but there are different types to choose from. Continue reading and learn everything you need to know about the types of geraniums.
If you have made upon getting a new plant to decorate your garden and house, you can’t go wrong with types of geraniums. Whether you’re expanding your collection or simply starting, geraniums are a fantastic choice. Geraniums are praised for their ruffled and colorful ornamental foliage. The geranium flower symbolizes happiness, good health, good wishes, and friendship. They are associated with positive emotions.
With so many different types, it can be troublesome to identify them. One thing is for sure; you can be confident that you’ll find a geranium type that suits your taste. Discover different types of geraniums and find out how these lovely flowers can enhance your garden and elevate your plant collection to the next level.
Types of Geraniums
Live Flowering 1 Quart Zonal Geraniums
Unique colors to get spring vibes in your garden or on your terrace. This type of Geranium is an annual plant for a partially shady place in the park. You can either keep the plant in a pot or put it in the ground, directly in the border.
If you do not have a green thumb but would like to enjoy flowers in your garden, then the Geranium Zonal is the best choice. It is straightforward to handle. Keep the soil constantly slightly humid.
The Geranium Zonal is officially an annual plant. But you do not need to say goodbye fully to them when the winter comes because you can overwinter the plants inside the house.

- Winter, Summer, Spring Blooming
- Partial Shade
- Red Color
Americana Rose Mega Splash Geranium
The stunning blooms are light pink with a deeper magenta ‘splashed’ in the center, giving them depth and interest.
Sitting atop deep green foliage, these blooms were bred to withstand all types of weather without shattering.
A favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds, try this beauty in almost any garden application or even on its own.

- Rose-plants
- Decorative
Geranium’ Rozanne’ Perennial, blue flowers
This lovely garden plant has violet-blue saucer-shaped 2″ flowers. ‘Rozanne’ has a spreading compact habit with deep green, slightly marbled foliage.
The flowering period is from mid-June to October. For best results, plant in USDA Zone:5-8 – Mature size: 8-10in H x 18-24in W.
It is fully rooted in the soil and can be planted immediately, weather permitting.

- Blue flowers
- Full Sun
- 10 Inches Height
Americana Coral Geranium
The Coral Zonal Geranium bears 4-5 inch, full coral-colored flower heads atop typical geranium-type leaves that are dark, olive-green.
This well-branched Geranium shows off one of the most accurate coral colors on the market, which makes it hard to resist and will have all of your neighbors wanting some too.
Be the first in your neighborhood to grow this plant! Americana geraniums have an excellent tolerance for heat.

- Annual
- Full Sun
- Coral color
Rare ‘Night Blue’ Geranium Seeds
Natural aesthetic beauty is soothing to people, and keeping a garden around the home environment is an excellent way to lower stress and anxiety levels. People who tend gardens feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed.
Plants can help you achieve a more optimistic outlook on your life, bringing you both good visual stimulation and allowing you to increase your perceived happiness.

- Blue-white color
- Rare type
- 20+ Seeds
What are some of the most common types of geraniums?
Zonal Geraniums
Zonal Geraniums are the most commonly seen, with rounded leaves, sometimes with a dark band and erect stems with large flowers held above the foliage.
Stellar Geraniums (Stellar Pelargonium)
Stellar geraniums are also part of the zonal geranium group. They are small bushy plants. The leaves and flower petals are deeply incised, creating a star-shaped appearance. Stellar geraniums will tolerate less sun, especially in southern regions.
Ivy Leaved Geraniums
Ivy Leaved Geraniums are a trailing type perfect for spilling over the edge of a container. They have a thick leaf cuticle which makes them more tolerant of dry conditions, so they are a good bet if you are the type that may forget to water occasionally.
Scented Leaf Geraniums
Scented Leaf types come in a fantastic variety of scents, of which lemon, mint, and rose are the most common. Other scents include apple, strawberry, pineapple, ginger, nutmeg, Old Spice, clove, and coconut. The flowers are generally less showy than different types but still an excellent addition to any container garden.
Regal Geraniums
Regal Geraniums, also known as Martha Washington Geraniums, are recognized by their larger flowers that are often heavily veined or patterned. This type tends to shut down bloom production in really hot weather but will bloom continuously in more mild temperatures.
What is the most common Geranium?
Zonal geraniums (Pelargonium × hortorum) are the most common Geranium in home gardens. Plants have round to kidney-shaped leaves. The medium green leaves often have bark bands or zones, hence the common name.
How to Care for Geraniums?
Light and Temperature
- Geraniums are typically a full-sun plant in most conditions. They require lots of light to create all of their vibrant flowers! However, they’re surprisingly adaptable and can be in partially sunny conditions. For best flower production, aim for 6-7 hours of sunlight per day.
- Most geraniums are pretty tolerant of warm weather, but shade during the hottest part of the day is recommended in desert climates. When the weather’s over 90 degrees, try to ensure they get a nice break from the scorching sun.
- Al plants require water, but geraniums tend to be especially sensitive to over-watering and under-watering conditions.
- If the soil is suitable, they’re not difficult to maintain. Water your geraniums only when the soil is dry to the touch.
- There’s no doubt that geraniums are like drier soil. Don’t use bark-based or coir-based soil as it generally holds too much water around the roots. In addition, most geraniums prefer an acidic pH level. Something in the 5.5 range will make your geraniums quite happy.
- A good, balanced fertilizer is recommended by most geranium societies, applied every 4-6 weeks. If you’d like to fertilize more often, make a half-strength dilution of your fertilizer and fertilize every 2-3 weeks.
Common Questions About Types of Geranium
What are the two kinds of geraniums?
There are two types of plants called geraniums: true geraniums that are part of the Geranium genus, and plants that are Pelargonium genus. Both are part of the Geraniaceae family and are related, if not identical. Both of these plants are often confused with one another.
How many different varieties of geraniums are there?
It has over 400 species with a wide variety in shapes, sizes, height, fragrances, and foliage. Some Geraniums are tailing, some are upright, and some have single bloom while some have double.
How to propagate geraniums from cuttings?
- Cuttings can be taken year-round, but it’s best to wait until the plant’s not currently blooming.
- To take a cutting, find a healthy stem and cut it just above a leaf node (a swollen place on the branch). Remove all but the tip leaves, and then make a second cut at the base just below a leaf node, leaving yourself with a 4-6″ long cutting.
- Place your cutting into a sterile container of warm, damp potting soil. Water it thoroughly, then place it in a bright location, but not in direct sunlight.
- Water when the soil dries out, and your plant should take root within a couple of weeks.
How to report geraniums?
- Trim back the branches and stems of your geranium plant to a 4″ length, trying to be sure that you cut just above a node on the unit.
- Gently tilt the old pot and slide the Geranium out. Unwind any roots that have started to circle the rest of the root clump, and trim if necessary.
- Set your plant into its new pot at about the same height it was planted before.
- Then, could you give it a good watering? Be sure to place a couple of inches of mulch on top of the soil.
What type of geranium is best?
There is no one “best” type of geranium, but there are many different types to choose from, depending on your needs. Some popular types of geraniums include:
Pelargonium zonale (zonal geranium) – This type has brightly colored leaves and blooms in shades of pink, red, white, and purple. It is a popular choice for gardens and containers.
Pelargonium hortorum (garden geranium) – This type is similar to zonal geraniums, but with smaller leaves and blooms. They are available in many colors, including pink, red, white, and blue.
Pelargonium x fragrans (scented geranium) – This type has a strong, pleasing fragrance and comes in many different varieties. The leaves are often used to make essential oils.
Pelargonium x domesticum (regal geranium) – This type is large and vigorous, with showy blooms in shades of pink, red
What is the most common geranium?
The most common geranium is the cranesbill geranium. It has a long stalk, large flowers and leaves that are deeply lobed. The flowers can be pink, purple, white or blue and they bloom from late spring to early summer. This plant is easy to grow and is often used in gardens as a ground cover.
The cranesbill geranium (Geranium maculatum) is a species of flowering plant in the genus Geranium, native to Europe and northern Asia. It is a herbaceous perennial growing to 30–100 cm
Does geraniums like sun or shade?
Geraniums like a little sun, but they do best if they’re in a shady spot during the hottest part of the day. If you live in a hot climate, it’s best to grow geraniums in containers so you can move them around to get the right amount of sun and shade.
When it comes to watering, does more water equal healthier plants?
No, not necessarily. Watering is tricky – too much and your plant will suffocate; too little and it will dehydrate. The best way to figure out how much water your plant needs is to feel the soil. If it’s dry a few inches down, it’s time to water. Geraniums like to be kept moist, but not soggy.
Which is the best hardy geranium?
There is no one “best” hardy geranium, as different varieties can perform well in different climates. The best way to choose a variety is to consider the climate where you live and the conditions of your garden. For example, if you live in a cold climate, you might want to choose a hardy geranium that can tolerate frost.
If you have a dry garden, you might want to choose a variety that is drought-tolerant. Once you’ve considered the conditions of your garden, you can narrow down your choices and pick the hardy geranium that is best for you.
If you’re looking for a hardy geranium that can tolerate a wide range of conditions, consider ‘Rozanne’. This variety is tolerant of both heat and cold, and it can also handle drought and heavy rain. ‘Rozanne’ has beautiful blue flowers that will bloom from late spring to early fall.
Another option is ‘Geranium macrorrhizum’, which is a good choice for gardeners who live in cold climates. This variety is tolerant of frost and can even handle snow. It has pink or white flowers that bloom from early summer to early fall.
If you’re looking for a drought-tolerant hardy geranium, consider ‘S
Which geraniums flower the longest?
The geraniums that flower the longest are the hardy geraniums. These perennials bloom from spring to fall, depending on the variety. Some grow as tall as 3 feet, while others stay around 6 inches high.
here are many different colors and shades of blooms available, so you can find one that will fit in with your garden design. Hardy geraniums are easy to grow and care for, making them a great choice for beginners. With proper care, they will last for many years.
Which geraniums grow the tallest?
Most geraniums will grow to be between 12 and 18 inches tall, although there are a few varieties that can get up to 3 feet tall. The tallest geraniums are usually the hybrid varieties, like the ‘Big Red’ or the ‘Moby Dick’. If you’re looking for a geranium that will really make a statement in your garden, then one of these hybrids is probably the way to go.
Of course, there are also dwarf varieties of geraniums that only grow to be a few inches tall. These are perfect for adding a splash of color to your landscape without taking up too much space. Some of the most popular dwarf varieties include the ‘Mini Martha’ and the ‘Tiny Tim’.
So, which geraniums grow the tallest?
The answer is that it depends on the variety you choose. If you want a geranium that will really stand out in your garden, then go with one of the hybrids.
If you’re looking for something a little more compact, then go with a dwarf variety. Whichever route you choose, you’re sure to end up with beautiful blooms that will add color and life to your landscape.